CUSTOMER NOTE: Isokern Fireplaces by Earthcore will implement a price increase on April 1st, with new price sheets being distributed on March 1st.

IKON GREY SOAP FIREBRICK - 9 x 2-1/2 x 1-1/4

Availability: In stock

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Warehouse Information

Dallas:8047 left

Chesapeake:3667 left

Corona:7178 left

Jacksonville:8642 left

Cheyenne:9071 left

Note: The inventory numbers provided here are not live. The numbers are based on inventory available after the previous day's close.

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Make your fireplace a part of your home’s decor with Isokern’s Firebrick options. Typically made of fire clay or siliceous material, our IKON Firebrick is a refractory brick, capable of sustaining intense heat without fusion. And since it’s not prone to expansion or contraction, this material helps minimize cracking under extreme heating conditions. Coloration and size varies slightly.

Pallet Quantity: 1296/pallet


Firebrick Requirements for Each Fireplace Model


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